I have been doing more sketching lately. I always miss it when we are apart! lol Here is another face I sketched with new techniques I am learning from Jane Davenport. It is actually making me less stressed with faces because it is easy and quick to get started. I do love this girl a bit more than the last one I shared a la Jane. I think I just feel more connected to her.
For class we are supposed to be sketching with colored pencil but I just cannot bring myself to let go of my erasable graphite! And of course I love the look of monochrome. Maybe its the photographer in me or the fact that I don't want to screw up my sketch with colored pencil mistakes. lol An artist friend of mine suggested using both and I may just do that next time.
There is just something so simple about picked up a pencil and paper that always appeals to me. I can be pretty lazy when it comes to setup and cleanup of painting supplies. Maybe I just need to stop analyzing and just let myself gravitate toward the type of art that appeals to me in that moment. . .
"or the fact that I don't want to screw up my sketch" -- those are some pretty loaded words!! :) And I think you are on to something there. You are in your comfort zone with the graphite. Adding colour will take you out of that and then you are "committed" to what you've done. I like your friend's suggestion to do a bit of both until you feel comfortable. Or you could just stop "waiting", take the plunge and do it and see what you think. If you don't like it, so what? You will have learned that coloured pencils and sketching are not your thing (and if you don't like coloured pencils, then the sketchbook class will not be for you!!). xoxox
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Sherry said. What DO you have to lose?
ReplyDeleteWhat a beauty! i'm always intrigued by the eyes. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Cathy!!! I love this sketch...it is gorgeous and the neck is so neat like that....wonderful work!!!
ReplyDeletethis is a beautiful sketch. i can't draw, wish i could though.