Monday, January 3, 2011

She Made It Through The Uglies . . .

When I started sketching her yesterday I just couldn't get it right. The beginning features I sketched out looked bad. Maybe I wasn't in the zone. So she looked pretty ugly! And then after many changes I saw this face emerge. I am used to seeing the uglies during the painting process but this is the first time I had it happen while sketching.

I am glad I was able to work through some frustration so that I could find her. As you can see I am liking the shorter hair!

Hoping you all had a great New Year's weekend!


  1. She's all good now--I'm so thankful for erasers--my faces tend to go through that awkward stage alot!! :)

  2. She is lovely. I think that everything I draw goes through the "uglies" at some point in the process.

  3. You did a great job with her! I see the uglies quite frequently in the sketching phase as well, sometimes I just give up and throw it out.
    Glad you could push through and create a lovely girl!

  4. Yep! Happens with yarn too! I can unravel it though...But it looks like you can unravel too(so to speak! ^_^) She looks good now!

  5. She is gorgeous, so much, it is hard to believe she went through an ugly duckling stage!

  6. Happens to me all the time and many of my faces land in the dustbin! Sometimes a face just works and other times I am so thankful for a thing called an eraser .. lol..Your face came out beautiful.

  7. I know how you feel but I guess it's part of the process, can't wait to see her in colour!!!! :0) She is lovely, I really do love how you do the eyes it's very unique to your style!!!

  8. She's good to go Diane. You just keep getting better and better. The eyes always have meaning. Enjoy your week!

  9. I love the shorter hair!! I wonder why? lol
    Happy New Year, Cathy!!

  10. Hi Cathy, I may have missed a post or something and not quite sure about the 'uglies'. She's beautiful...and well actually if you look at the photo of you on your it me or does she look like you?! Maybe she could be your new avatar when she's finished!


  11. She looks fabulous Cathy. You did an amazing job! xo Diane

  12. love her Cathy and as I learned from Kelly Rae...paintings almost always hit an ugly phase...just move through it!!!! that advice was SO helpful and is something i will never forget!!

    i LOVE her!!
    she is a beauty!!!

