Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Sketches

My husband doesn't like when my girl sketches have tears.  He always asks "why is she crying?"  as if it upsets him.  For me it is just what comes out as I am drawing.  I do like to shade alot around the eyes and then sometimes I feel like it is not complete without them.  I have been emotional lately with all that is going on so maybe some of that is coming out.

"just let go"  came to me as I was sketching and for me it is so what I need to do these days.  It seems to be the hardest for me.  I am really struggling with that right now.  

She is different that my typical face but she's cute and I like her.  

Sharing her over at Sunday Sketches.  

Friday, April 27, 2012

Recovery And A New Abstract

"graffiti love"
mixed media on 7x9 watercolor paper

I have been a bit MIA here this week mostly due to my laying low and resting from my procedure on Monday.  I like to call it a "procedure"  because to me that sounds less scary than "surgery".  Needless to say I was a wreck on Monday and all last weekend for that matter.  It was done in the doctors office in a room with those bright white lights I had come to know so well years ago.  The doctor was wonderful and I was a mess.  I was shaking, twitching, and holding back tears during the whole procedure.  I had forgotten how awful it is to hear all the sound effects when you are awake during surgery.  

The only downside of it was that she could not get all of the cyst out which means it may grow back. I am trying not to focus on that possibility and just think good thoughts as I wait for biopsy results.  She is sure it is only a cyst and there is nothing to worry about however when you are a cancer survivor a simple cold is never just a cold anymore.  

I have stitches in my arm for 2 weeks and luckily have only had minimal pain.  It is my dominant arm so I am trying to not overuse or lift anything heavy.  Its weird because through all of this I feel so "out of my body"  I am acting like I have never had any surgery before.  I think it is the fear that is pulling me out of myself and lately I have been having trouble finding my way back in.  

I created this new piece prior to the surgery.  I haven't been very creative this week.  Just been resting.  I used crimson and payne's gray as I love those 2 colors together and I added details with a black sharpie and a new white out pen.  Loving the white out pen!  Of course as I have said here before, the scribbling is my favorite part these days.  Maybe because my mind is so darn cluttered!  

I am also trying to put my photography together for an upcoming show.  I will be participating in the annual Patient Art Exhibit at Memorial Sloan-Kettering again this year.  I am trying to decide on 6 pieces and I better get my act together because the deadline to submit my framed work for the show is looming!  I don't want to miss it!  I really enjoyed having my work displayed last year.  It is a wonderful event.  

I am sharing this piece today at Paint Party Friday.  Thanks to all who posted well wishes last week!   I appreciate it so much!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Abstract Play And A Little Surgery . . .

I have been trying to get back to some art.  It has been hard for me to be creative lately as my mind has been cluttered with an upcoming procedure.  On Monday I will be having a cyst excision on my right upper arm.  I am absolutely terrified.  To some this may seem like nothing but to a cancer survivor something as simple as a cold becomes a huge deal.  When your body is not well in any way shape or form even a little ache or pain can be scary.  According to the doctor this is s simple procedure and it will be done in her office.  I will have stitches for 10 days and limitations with my movement which will be challenging since I am right handed.  Never mind that it will of course be biopsied and despite the fact that the doctor is sure it is nothing my mind cannot help but be freaked out.  

Yesterday I was able to get messy with paint inspired by lessons from Alisa Burke's "Art of Abstraction" online class.  I am really loving it so far.  As you can see I scribbled over most of this piece and I loved it!  It is a good way to get out angst!  I have another one in progress that I will share soon that is in a crimson and payne's gray palette.  

I am sharing this over at Paint Party Friday.  
Click HERE to join us.  

Wishing you a lovely weekend.  I am going to try and keep my mind occupied on something other than cysts and surgery.  Not sure how successful I will be though.  :/

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Can I Just Scribble My Way Out of It ??

I started yet another new class. Big surprise I know! Anyway, I am a big fan of Alisa Burke so when she recently announced her new class was about abstract art I couldn't resist. I did this piece in my 5x7 sketchbook using a black pen and sharpie marker.

I have to say I really enjoyed scribbling and scratching on the paper. It feels good. I was not trying to be perfect or trying to create much of anything. I was curious to how it would turn out. I feel like scribbles represent the state of my mind lately.

If you have been following my blog than you know I have not been feeling up to snuff and just not been myself. Today I started to realize that the loss of my dog back in September has affected me so much more than I care to admit. Actually I am afraid to admit how much because I don't think I can handle it. I feel lost, sad, frustrated, and seem to cry at the drop of a hat. Yesterday I was out in the backyard and looked out to the place where Bosco and I would play and I broke down. Never even saw it coming. Hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like I could see him running around . . . I am crying now just typing this.

I have not been creating much lately. I feel like I have lost my muse. I am glad I was able to take pen to paper today and get some angst out. Sometimes I wish it were that simple . . . I wish I could just scribble my way back to happy . . .

Sharing today over at Sunday Sketches.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Believe In Forever . . .

I have been feeling less than inspired these days, not creating much. Today as I was flipping through my sketchbook I found a page that I used to play around with stencils and black fabric spray. And just like that I was inspired.

I added some pink watercolor over the top, stamped the words that came to mind and then added details with a black sharpie pen, finishing the edges with a black gelato. I never expected something so simple would inspire me so much . . .

Sharing over at Paint Party Friday

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Stand In Another Place . . .

I have not been feeling like myself lately. At times I have felt lost, like I am losing me. The past year has been beyond difficult and all the stress of it has been catching up. It has literally made me sick. Depression feels as though it is setting in. I have not been creating as much as I used to. I miss it. I am starting to miss me.

I wanted to share this video by my friend and fellow writer Nancy Slonim Aronie. She is an amazing soul and the author of "Writing From the Heart". I discovered her through that book and have attended her writing workshops more than once. You can check her out HERE. I will be attending a workshop with her next month hoping to get my writing juices going again. Actually any chance to hang with her heals my soul.

In this video she shares why it is important to sometimes "stand in another place" when life gets to be too much. Hope it will inspire you as much as it has me . ..

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Finding An Angel . . .

In a recent post I shared a photo of a heart I found in the wood of our new deck that Lou is building. You can imagine my surprise when I saw this angel as well!

Since discovering art my observation skills have heightened. I don't look at anything the same anymore. Everything I see becomes a potential photographic image or an inspiration for a mixed media piece.

Its always cool to find images like these. But to find them as part of your home makes them extra special somehow. Love and angels are not as far away as we think . . .

Friday, April 6, 2012

Graffiti And My Favorite Color Palette

mixed media on 9x12 hot press watercolor paper

The only painting I did this week was this new graffiti inspired piece. I am still feeling the effects of the stomach bug that hit me last week. I just can't seem to shake it. I have no patience for feeling down and out. I don't like to rest even when its needed.

But it did make me feel better to smear some paint around in my favorite colors. I used payne's gray and raw umber with some black and white for this one. I also used a new alphabet stencil and my favorite tree stamp which I have no ruined with white paint! lol I was going to add more to this but after leaving it for a few days I think I am done.

Sharing this over at Paint Party Friday. For those of you celebrating Easter this weekend I wish you a happy holiday! Of course I am wishing everyone a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday Sketching . . .

Here I am still on the mend from this stomach bug that hit me last week as well as my stupid arm cyst trouble that I will spare you the details of. I have not been creating much but it felt good to sketch this morning.

I never know what these girls are going to share with me but this one had some lovely sentiments that seemed to fly right into my head! lol

"On my mind, never far from my heart . . ."

Since her eyes were closed I figured she must be thinking of someone. She never told me who it was though . . .

Linking up with Sunday Sketches today.
