Sunday, February 19, 2012

A New Sketch And A Blog Update

"flying on wings of butterflies"
5x8 sketch done in graphite and pen

I forgot that I sketched out this girl! I had so much fun with her hair. She is similar to my girl with the hearts I shared a couple of weeks ago. I am planning on getting her to a canvas soon. I am enjoying using black pen over the graphite to make the sketch pop a bit. Those words popped into my head as I finished her up. So weird how that happens but I always welcome it!

Not sure yet of the color palette for this painting. I always get stuck at that point in the creative process which is probably why she isn't painted yet! Any suggestions? I had thought about a light blue background and her dress either yellow or white. Hmmm . . .

I wanted to take a moment and discuss blog comments. I always enjoy each and every comment I receive on my posts. And I want to reply to all of them however some of you have a "no reply" as your address so I cannot send a response. I have felt bad about that. But thanks to my friend Silke over at Metamorphosis I have now embedded my comments into my post which enables me to reply to each comment individually! So now you will find my response right below your comment. Very cool thing! :)

I am sharing this sketch over at Sunday Sketches. I hear it is the 2 year anniversary for this lovely sharing party hosted by Sophia! Happy Anniversary!!


  1. Well, Cathy, another gorgeous girl!! I love her hair and the way her dress flows.

    As to color palette, I am the wrong one to ask. I usually start by painting the face with the flesh tones and the sort of go as I get inspired. Since I work with acrylics - if I don't like it, I'll paint over it. That happens a lot!

    And yeah for comment replies. I love it!!

    Happy Sunday!! Hugs, Silke

    1. Silke!! Thanks!! I seem to be stuck on this big hair thing! But I am loving it so I will keep going! lol

      Thanks for sharing about your process. I think that I get stuck with background color because I do the background first. And sometimes that will dictate the painting for me. Interesting how each of us works differently. So cool though! And that is what I love about acrylics. . . worst thing that happens is I will paint over it and start again!

      Hope you are enjoying your Sunday!


  2. She's very pretty! She looks almost like a bride. :-)

    1. Thanks Deb! Yes, I see that too! I must love the long bridal looking gowns! ;)

  3. a fun sketch - i love the quote that accompanies this one, too!

    1. Hi Heather! Thanks so much!! Sometimes my fav part are the words! It doesn't feel like a complete sketch without them! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Tammie! I am so stuck on these sweet girls! Cannot stop sketching them! :)

  5. oh, she's wonderfully whimsical. she looks like she'll just take off on the breeze. can't wait to see her once you've painted her!

    1. Thanks Molly! I am working on painting her today. Collaging my canvas now! Will share it soon! :)

  6. I love her movement--and I can see her in soft blues and yellows too!

    1. HI Diane! Thanks!! I am now stuck between the blue/ yellow and pink/browns! Not sure which way I will go with this! lol

  7. Awwww!!! Thanks Sophia!!! I am really loving making the hair this way on my girls! :)

  8. Lovely sketch! I really wouldn't know how to color it myself. Black and white completes it already to me. On second thought, I see some green in it because the figure reminds me of a tree :)

    1. Hi Jay! Thanks!! I like black and white alot, in my photography of course but I think that is why I like sketching so much and get stumped when it comes to adding color! It must be her hair that makes you think about a tree! ;)

  9. Thanks Marilyn! I am loving the big hair! I want to create more big hair girls! :)
