Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Drippy Landscape

abstract landscape on 5x8 journal page

After having spent the past 4 hours decluttering my art space I am exhausted. Physically and emotionally. I have a huge desk with drawer space that has not been used other than to house personal clutter in the form of papers, old photos, and surprisingly my wedding ring from my late husband circa 1992, among many other things. Thankfully I was able to hold back the tears.

I fear for what all those hours of standing and poor bending techniques will do to my already tentative back. I was in such a zone that I didn't even realize how much time had gone by. Thankfully I had help from Lou who is super organized and sadly I am so not! Anyway, I am finally sitting, relaxing with a new clean space to work and am happy to finally writing this post.

I quickly sketched out this landscape scene the other day with charcoal pencil and just this morning added some black caran d'ache crayon with some water. I also added some pitt pen marks to doodle a bit. I may have gone drip crazy though. This is the first landscape I have sketched. I wanted to try one for awhile. I approached this one abstractly, hence the messiness.

I am sharing this over at Sunday Sketches today.
Hope you are having a lovely clutter free weekend!


  1. Hi Cathy, there must be something in the air...I tidied my room up too... sorted out all my pencils and paints etc... that was yesterday and spent is now a mess again. ho hum... I love your background...drippy is gooooood... :)

  2. Very creative and working through a lot ~ be gentle with yourself ~ namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey)

  3. Everyone must be in the spring cleaning mode...I cleaned up my art room too.
    Love the landscape :0)

  4. beautiful landscape, it fits the time of year!

  5. for me there is a lot of feeling in this piece. wonderful to hear how you made it and congratulations on cleaning your space. So nice that you had a helping hand.

  6. it seems i am always cleaning. your piece looks very mysterious. i like it! thank you for sharing,
    hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

  7. I agree drippy is good , beautiful!
    Tidying is good too, sometimes sparks a new idea, just like with the children, tidy the toys and they come right in to mess it up seeing toys they had forgotten,
