Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Sketches . . . Carried Away With Love

I have been doing less painting and more sketching lately. I actually started a canvas last weekend and stalled out by Monday with it. Not sure if or when I will get back to it. Sketching is so much easier for me and freeing. I do not have to think about color palettes or being perfect. I just have a pencil and an eraser. Although I do long to paint some of my sketches but it overwhelms me lately. And that in itself is frustrating.

I am having fun though getting back to my cute girls! She came about from an image in my head. I always incorporate hearts when and wherever I can! It was not until the next day when I looked at her that the words came to me.

I would like to get this scene on a canvas and as I have started taking "She Art" with Christy Tomlinson I am hoping to use this as inspiration for a piece in that class!

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday so far! You can check out the lovely art being shared today over HERE!!


  1. yes, indeed she is sweet. I like to sketch, too...and i agree sometimes it is nice not to have to worry about color palette choices.
    i love hearts in paintings too...they just add some whimsy! cute, to be carried away with love!

  2. Oh this is a wonderful sketch it makes me smile. She is so happy and the sun is shinning so bright and wonderful! Have a great Sunday :)

  3. Aw just look at that dreamy look on her face... she's in love alright!

  4. I love her!! She reminds me of me today!!! ^_^ * Note to self: Get some balloons!! *

  5. Love this sketch, she looks so happy....I sometimes just pick one colour to sketch in...

  6. I do it too. I add little hearts in my drawing.

    cute sketch!

  7. Such a wonderful feeling of being carried away by love!
    sweet sketch!

  8. Very sweet, I like it!
    Have a happy week Cathy!!

  9. Love this sketch ~ so much expression in there ~ do enjoy it ~ you will get back to painting when the Muse arrives ~ thanks ^_^

    Carol (over from Sketch Sunday (Share the Creative Journey ~ (
