Friday, June 26, 2015

Rocky Steps View 2 Ways

I was going through some old photos the other day and found an image I shot back in 1990 during a trip to the Philadelphia Art Museum which of course is home to the Rocky steps.   I am a huge Rocky fan, always have been, so it was very cool to have been on those steps in person.  The image I shot was from the top of the steps looking out toward the city view.  

I wasn't sure how the image would work when I scanned it as it is pretty old.  The age though worked to my advantage.  The above image was processed through a few apps starting with my go to Snapseed to add the drama filter, then through Stackables, and finishing up in Procreate.  

Stackables is my new app addiction!  If you are not familiar with it check it out.  So much you can do with it.  Lots of fun!  

Less involved processing was done for this version which was completed only with Stackables.  I created this edit first and then took it further for the above edit.  

Here is the original image so you can see where this piece began . . . 

Have you been to the Rocky steps?  I hope to return one day.  Would love to see the Rocky statue.  It had been moved to the Spectrum that days years ago when I was there.  Bummer but there is always tomorrow!  

Which of the two images is your fav?  Would love to hear!


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Coffee For Consciousness 101

I recently had the great pleasure of creating digital art for the cover of Vito Mucci's new book "Coffee For Consciousness 101" !  It was a lot of fun to work on this project!  I was very happy that the author was so pleased with the cover art.

In addition to his writing Vito is also a shaman, healer, and artist.  This book is a part of his life's work dedicated to guiding others in discovering their own healing, positivity, and happiness. Its also about ultimately finding out who you can be to evolve into the highest version of your true self.

The following is a summary of the book taken from the book jacket . . .

"Live in the Now." "Don't worry, be happy." "Follow your bliss." These catch-phrase imperatives confront us on a daily basis, but so few of us seem to know how to do any of those things. If you've repeatedly tried and failed to manifest your better self or a more resonant life, you might be saying, "You know, it's not that easy." Coffee for Consciousness 101 is the instruction book you've been waiting for-because you're right; it's not easy. Finding yourself takes work, and sharing yourself with the world in love takes even more work...but the rewards are amazing. Our longstanding unhelpful definition of risk and reward is just one of the concepts that author Vito Mucci deconstructs with compassion, humor, and a deep understanding of the ways in which our beliefs about ourselves and the world get in the way of achieving conscious presence in the world, and consciously evolving relationships with ourselves and others. Our beliefs and ideas are the lenses through which we look at the world; this book gives you the idea of Perspectives, a new set of lenses that change what you see, and consequently, who you can be. Rooted in the author's decades of experience in managing his PTSD and addictions through careful cultivation and alteration of consciousness, Coffee for Consciousness 101 is a fascinating, joyful, and deeply practical exploration of how to read the road map to positive change and greater presence."

I am looking forward to reading it, learning, and growing spiritually from the wisdom that Vito shares grounded in his own life experience.  

You can purchase a copy HERE on amazon

For more information click HERE for the official publication page which includes a promo video for the book!  

Be back soon with some new digital art to share!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Studio News And An Art Store Haul!

 I am excited to share some publishing news with you!  One of my favorite "heart art" pieces was recently published in the June issue of Somerset Studio Gallery on newsstands now!  I had the great honor of writing a mini article of my process for this painting.  

Very exciting to see my work in print!  This piece "you are loved"  was so much fun to create.  I hope you pick up a copy and if you try the tutorial please come back and share a link so we can see what beauty you have created!

In other news I recently took a much needed trip to Michael's for some new supplies.  Sometimes I just like to go the art store to peruse the aisles.  It is a good way for me to loose myself and turn off my brain, much like painting does.  

I picked up some light colors of folk art craft paint (sometimes its just fun to not have to think about mixing your own colors) and new stencils.  I went crazy for these new Tim Holtz stencils!  Love the grunge and of course love to use letters in my mixed media pieces.  I also grabbed a set of liquitex paint pens in black, white, and gray.  Paint pens are new to me so I am excited to try them out.  I love to write on my pieces with something permanent.  These should do the trick.  

Hope all is well in your world these days.  Tune in later this week to see what I conjure up on canvas with the new supplies!  
